
death and dying

My father died two weeks ago tomorrow. That in itself feels strange to type, and even more strange to read. I feel like I'm living in an alternate reality that I'm bound to wake up from if someone will just slap me a couple of times, but unfortunately, this is really happening...


this office is cursed.

If you missed it, the Bears beat the Packers on Sunday. I celebrated by sleeping through the second half, thanks to a couple of mysterious sleeping pills from 2005 that seemed like a good idea at the time, however I am lucky enough to have a lady who is aware that she shares me with the Bears, and she woke me up to watch them win. Thanks to my lady.

In other news, the new job is going well. It's not quite what I thought it would be, but it'll do for now. I'm hoping that in a couple of months it will turn into something more, and, well, permanent. As of now, I've gone from part-time Museum employee to part-time temp. And originally my temp position was supposed to be guaranteed for 6 months, however in writing, it ended up being 3 months. So I took a big risk, and it's getting bigger every day. Maybe I'm just getting too nervous, being too paranoid. Maybe I need to stop thinking about it too much and just shut up about it already. Done.