
worth more than happiness

Amy and I were talking last night about what life was like before the war in Iraq, about where we were September 11, 2001, about what it's all about...And I realized that I can't really remember what it's like to not be at war. I remember the day we went to war, I remember all the arguments I had in the weeks to follow with my friends who thought that invading Iraq was the thing to do. And I remember saying, it doesn't matter if they take out Saddam, because as soon as they do, someone else will step up and fight back. So here we are, three years after we began the war in Iraq, almost five years after we were attacked, and we are still fighting (though no one can really remember why), and we are still looking (though everyone has forgotten for whom). America sucks right now. Where is our political movement? Who's shouting "The whole world is watching"? No one, because we all have our eyes glued to our televisions, our fingers stuck to our cell phones, and our heads up our asses. I want to burn my tv in my yard, but I'd probably be arrested by Clear Channel for copyright infringement.


the reasons why i like to keep to myself

it is practically unbearable for me to be in a social setting with someone that has not the slightest idea what's going on in the world. how can you not know what bush is saying about the war going on past his presidency, how can you not care that six kids were killed in seattle?? i'll tell you how...you're too wrapped up in your own ridiculous, melodramatic bullshit. how difficult is it to turn on a news channel or pick up a paper or type "cnn.com"?? if you haven't heard however, some guy went on a shooting rampage at a party this morning in seattle. apparently the guy met some of the kids at the party at a rave earlier in the night, and after spending some time at the after-party house party, he walked out to his truck and returned to the party with a handgun and a shotgun. and then he started shooting. one of the kids at the house told the press that this was like columbine in washington, but i think it's completely different. the shooter in this case was in his late 20's, and the kids he was shooting at were in the early teens to early 20's. this guy could not have had a real reason to kill all these kids...i don't know man, it's just all so screwed up. i woke up at 7 this morning and checked the news, and i haven't been able to stop thinking about this since. our world is so screwed up now...and we're stuck here.

in other news, i stepped in dog pee this morning. in my new freaking pajama pants. and, i stepped in dog pee. that's really the main thing i'm trying to emphasize. that movie "bring it on" just came on tv...probably not the most intellectual movie every put out, but then again it's about cheerleading. i know that it takes a lot of practice and skills to be a cheerleader, but i also know it doesn't take much going on upstairs.


those germans are still sticking it to us

Amy and I are watching the latest Harry Potter movie right now. I have to say I think that I'm slightly disappointed. I don't know if it's that I'm too old for these movies now or what, but I just remember the book, and I guess the first few movies, to be better than this. I think it's probably just that the movie sucks. I read the book, and I keep finding myself wondering what the heck is going on in the movie. Oh well, life will go on even if Harry Potter can't go with me.

Amy's having issues with her car. It's a 2002 VW Beetle piece of shit. She hasn't even had the car 6 months and it's been in the shop 6 times as of today. I'm pretty sure that's ridiculous, and there is probably no way that this car wouldn't be legaly considered a lemon. When Amy bought that car, it had 42,500 miles on it, and we just found out today (after we've put 10,000 miles on it) that the brake fluid was not changed at the 40,000 maintence check, even though it was supposed to be. Their excuse? Even though they did the 40,000 mile check, if the brake fluid didn't need to be changed at the time, they don't change it because they're not required to. Even though the first scheduled brake fluid change (out of two, mind you) is at 40,000 miles. Freakin' A.

Okay, this Harry Potter movie is creepy. Crappy and creepy.


really, it's getting ridiculous

As usual, the cable is on the fringe. I would totally be willing to say that I hate having cable, and I don't usually go out there and throw the word hate around. Or if I do, I take it back. But this time I refuse to take it back. I hate the cable. I hate that we're not turning the cable off. Do you know what I do if I keep the TV turned off? Let's make a list: read, write music, practice, play basketball, HAVE SEX, draw, socialize, go for a walk, go the art museum, work out, clean, do laundry, play with the dog...I'm sure there's more stuff that I can't think about, but seriously. The sex alone is reason enough to turn the damn cable off. Although I guess that shouldn't be my only reason. It's not like I learn anything from cable, and it's not like my television and I can have long, well though out chats about politics and religion on a nightly basis. Cable is good for nothing. Well, I take that back, it's good for mind-numbing entertainment, but at the moment it's not even good for that because all I see is snow. I'm glad there are only three episodes of "L Word" left, because Amy and I agreed that at the end of the season we would turn the box off. Thank goodness. The end is in sight.

A moral question for you: if, at one point, I was the proud and legal owner of a compact disc copy of an album, but that disc was stolen from me (and I never made a copy, which is a right given to me by copyright law), is it okay for me to let a friend send me those songs? I mean, I paid for the CD originally, and I never made my own copy for my own listening purposes, but someone stole it from me, so technically I'm not stealing the songs because I paid for them in the first place...Let it marinate.