
worth more than happiness

Amy and I were talking last night about what life was like before the war in Iraq, about where we were September 11, 2001, about what it's all about...And I realized that I can't really remember what it's like to not be at war. I remember the day we went to war, I remember all the arguments I had in the weeks to follow with my friends who thought that invading Iraq was the thing to do. And I remember saying, it doesn't matter if they take out Saddam, because as soon as they do, someone else will step up and fight back. So here we are, three years after we began the war in Iraq, almost five years after we were attacked, and we are still fighting (though no one can really remember why), and we are still looking (though everyone has forgotten for whom). America sucks right now. Where is our political movement? Who's shouting "The whole world is watching"? No one, because we all have our eyes glued to our televisions, our fingers stuck to our cell phones, and our heads up our asses. I want to burn my tv in my yard, but I'd probably be arrested by Clear Channel for copyright infringement.

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