
snow day!!

Well, not exactly. But it's a "no work" day thanks to sleeting, which is just as good. Here's to all the times in school that I prayed for snow and it never came (damn Texas weather).


end of the semester

So this is the time of the year when I stop bemoaning all the terribly ridiculous things the teachers in my classes have been doing for the past few months, and start thinking about how I'm going to miss the people that I find enjoyable in my classes. Unfortunately I'm not the kind of person who usually keeps in contact with people from classes, so any hopes of future "hang out" time are quickly stamped out by the realization that I don't have the time or the willingness that it takes to forge a new, true friendship.

I'm lazy.

Anyway, I'm starting to think about how much I'm going to miss everyone, even my teachers who completely suck, and even the kids that have annoyed me since day one, although I'm sure there are many people that I have annoyed as well. I just wanted to share all these feelings.

By the way, the new loft is going great, if anyone is wondering. And hopefully before the semester is over, my sister will start dating that cute guy in our art class.


a new place means...

new place

New places to put everything, and in this case, not enough. Moving into a loft has taught me two things:

Number one, dogs should not sleep in the bed.

Number two, we have WAY too much stuff.

Ever since we've been here, I've been wondering where the hell we're going to put everything, and I've finally come to the conclusion that we should put everything in the trash. There are boxes and boxes of things that I haven't seen for two or three years, and I just can't see how keeping these things is justifiable. Obviously we don't need them, or we would have pulled them out by now. And just because we needed things at one point doesn't mean we need them anymore. Luckily we've found a home for our old bed and frame, but we still have many dishes and kitchen-isms to get rid of.

Let me know if you need anything, and maybe I have it. I think I'll be posting a list of give-away stuff soon. At the top of that list:

One (1) like new Black & Decker Toaster Oven - Free to a good home.



Maybe it's a lame copout, but I've decided not to go see my extended family for Thanksgiving this year. I think it will be the first time that I have been completely availible and haven't gone. I keep telling myself that I'm too busy to go, that I have exams the next week, that it's a long drive, so on...

But the truth is that I don't want to HAVE to think about Jason for an entire four days. I don't want to hear, "Jason should have been here" and "This wouldn't have happened if Jason was here"...Besides, Jason never really came to Thanksgiving anyways. So it would all be bullshit anyway. I think about that kid enough, I don't need to see people moping around about him.

And my moping is driving my girlfriend crazy.


caught him with his pants down

What kind of phrase is that, and why do I always hear country people saying it??


voting day!

Today's the day.

I'll be voting for the most qualified candidate, and I hope you do the same.

I'll also be meeting the toothfairy for lunch and Santa and I are scheduled to meet for drinks this evening, so wish me luck!