
one documentary to watch...

And one that I could definitely have done without. First, the better of the two:

Operation: Dreamland
A brief look at a few soldiers the 505th battalion of the 82nd airborne in Falluja before the final seige in 2004. This was an excellent documentary, much different from Michael Moore's "9/11" representation of soldiers in Iraq. There were a few men (and yes, all the soldiers were men) that wanted to shoot and kill and shoot and kill, but there were also explanations as to why they seemed so bloodthirsty, and the cameras kept rolling when they discussed their thoughts with other soldiers. This reinforces how scary it is for everyone over there, and it was refreshing to hear American military members express doubts about their task overseas. A must see.

The second documentary is not even worth giving a synopsis, but let me attempt a warning: Don't watch Paper Clips. It's as simple as that. I wrongly assumed that this would be an interesting look into the non-tolerance of rural areas towards the Jewish community, and instead it was just an overview of the Holocaust. So, if you've already taken a history class, at any point in your life, you don't need to watch this.

Yay for no work days, and yay for Blockbuster online rentals!

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