
really, it's getting ridiculous

As usual, the cable is on the fringe. I would totally be willing to say that I hate having cable, and I don't usually go out there and throw the word hate around. Or if I do, I take it back. But this time I refuse to take it back. I hate the cable. I hate that we're not turning the cable off. Do you know what I do if I keep the TV turned off? Let's make a list: read, write music, practice, play basketball, HAVE SEX, draw, socialize, go for a walk, go the art museum, work out, clean, do laundry, play with the dog...I'm sure there's more stuff that I can't think about, but seriously. The sex alone is reason enough to turn the damn cable off. Although I guess that shouldn't be my only reason. It's not like I learn anything from cable, and it's not like my television and I can have long, well though out chats about politics and religion on a nightly basis. Cable is good for nothing. Well, I take that back, it's good for mind-numbing entertainment, but at the moment it's not even good for that because all I see is snow. I'm glad there are only three episodes of "L Word" left, because Amy and I agreed that at the end of the season we would turn the box off. Thank goodness. The end is in sight.

A moral question for you: if, at one point, I was the proud and legal owner of a compact disc copy of an album, but that disc was stolen from me (and I never made a copy, which is a right given to me by copyright law), is it okay for me to let a friend send me those songs? I mean, I paid for the CD originally, and I never made my own copy for my own listening purposes, but someone stole it from me, so technically I'm not stealing the songs because I paid for them in the first place...Let it marinate.

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