
Tuesday mornings never have the best TV

I'm thinking we should turn off the cable. First of all, it's ridiculous to pay to watch television, considering it literally rots your brain. But I never used to watch television this much. When I was a kid, I actually didn't watch any television at all, unless it was Sesame Street. Out of high school, even though my roommate insisted on having cable, I still didn't watch that much television. It wasn't until Amy and I moved into this apartment and started paying someone to rob us blind that I began watching so much television. It's sick really. Even my parents, the hippies who instilled this negative view of television in me, have cable now. It's taking over, and I am going to take a stand. If only my girlfriend would agree.

This morning on NPR Diane Rehm was talking to some woman who wrote a book about the youth of America swindling their (our) money away, but how it's not actually our faults because the media and credit card companies, oh, and the government are all telling us to. Hmm. Maybe that's true. Maybe it's also true that we are a capitalist society, therefore we are surrounded by pressures to spend, not save, our money. Capitalism is driven by cold, hard cash, and more recently,
innumerous lines of credit. I wish I had a decent credit card. I have one credit card with a $600 limit. It's a student card, apparently some attempt to keep me from drowning myself in debt. But I say, if I want to ruin my life with credit card debt and buy things that will end up getting repo'd in a few months, that's my business. Who cares if I won't pay my card bills, the company can just write off that debt and then sell it to a debt collector. And then I can make a new friend named Stacy at extension 456 who calls me more than my own parents and it's very important that I call her back as soon as I get the message because she's knows where I live and they're planning on taking my first born child. What's wrong with that?

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